Amiga Format CD 24
Amiga Format AFCD24 (Feb 1998, Issue 108).iso
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* Transitions *
This article and the accompanying program were written by Ragnar Fyri,
who also claims to be the copyright holder. You may use the routines in
your own (non-commercial) programs on the condition that you mention some-
where in the program or documentation where they come from, and send Ragnar
a copy. For other use of either the article or software (either in full or
in part) beyond that it is recommended that you get in touch first and ob-
tain permission to do whatever it is you are planning to do. Before you do
it, that is...
Ragnar Fyri can be contacted by email (ragnar_fyri@hotmail.com) or by
snail mail at
Ragnar Fyri
Idunns vei 15
1370 Asker
(That's Norway, Europe, not any of the cities by the same name in USA.)
The subject of this article is, as the heading suggests, transitions. Or
more precisely, still picture transitions programmed in Amos. To get the
vocabulary straight first, a transition is what happens when you stop
showing one picture and start showing another. If you have ever seen a
movie (and who hasn't) :-) you should have seen several transitions, unless
it happened to be "The rope" or some other experimental film done all in
one single shot.
The thing about transitions is that they can be done in many different
ways, and it is generally a good idea to do so. Remember when you used to
visit uncle Harry, and every time you came around he had the slide projec-
tor set up and wanted to show you all the pictures he had taken since your
last visit (including those taken during that visit)? It was not just the
subject of the show (not to mention its length) that was boring, but pic-
tures always appeared by sliding in from one side and disappeared by sli-
ding out to the same side. [Which, presumably, is why those pictures were
called "slides" in the first place.] It got slightly better when you star-
ted working and got involved with your first professional slide show. When
using two projectors it is possible to fade pictures in and out and even
into each other by varying the light intensity of the projectors. Still,
there is only so much that can be done when sending light through static
images on transparent film.
With computer pictures, however, things start to liven up a bit. When you
have stored pictures in digital form in a computer's RAM there is almost no
end to what you can do with them. There are even professional presentation
programs (such as Scala) that can show pictures with all kinds of tran-
sitions, but as a programmer you may wonder how far it is possible to go
with a homemade program. This is the question I will be trying to answer in
the following.
The details about how the Amiga stores and displays pictures are beyond
the scope of this article, but just to give you a rough idea:
One great advantage with the Amiga is that it can handle several screens
at once. With "screen" I do not mean monitor or TV screens (which I will
call displays from now on just to keep the concepts apart), but what pro-
fessionals refer to as screen structures. A screen (structure) is dis-
tinguished by its size (width, height and number of colours), resolution
(horizontal and vertical) and mode. For further details dig out your Amos
manual and read the chapters about screens and graphics, and a bit about
Screen Open, Screen Width, Screen Height, Screen Colours and interlace mode
support. In addition, screens can have different palettes. (Check out the
Palette and Colour commands.)
Basically, there are two ways of making picture transitions on the Amiga.
The first is to replace the image of one screen with the image of another.
The screens are not really changed, and one advantage with this method is
that it does not really matter what size or resolution the screens are, or
how their palettes are defined, because they are treated as separate
entities and displayed on different parts of the display - assuming they
are displayed at all; one of the special features of Amos is that you can
have "hidden" screens. (Read up on Screen Hide and Screen Show.) The second
way is to replace the contents of one screen structure with those of an-
other (hidden) one, bit by bit. This method can do more advanced things
than the first, but the disadvantage is that for it to work well, the two
screens must be of the same size and resolution, and preferably share the
same palette as well. [The pictures that come with the demonstration
program were specially created to meet these requirements, so they can be
used for both methods.]
The best way to illustrate this article while you continue reading would
be to run the program and swap back and forth between Amos and whatever
reader program you are using. So now I want you to go to the Workbench,
start Amos, locate the demo program, load and run it. Then press the Ctrl
key to return to this text (assuming you didn't stop the text reader to use
the Workbench, in which case you have to restart it and reload this text.)
[By the way, pressing Ctrl is not the "normal" way to swap to and from
Amos, I just added a little routine to make life a bit easier. I hope.]
1) Screen swapping transitions
The simplest way to go from one picture to another is doing what movie
people call a "cut". Before everyone started using video, this transition
was made by literally cutting and splicing film. Go to the teddy bear pic-
ture (by pressing Ctrl again) and type A to see a typical cut.
As you can see, it's a rather simple effect, and the code for doing it is
simple too:
Screen to Front UNSEEN
A little explanation seems in place: Each screen has a unique number -
the ones used in this program are numbered 0 and 1, and numbers can be put
into variables, which is just what I have done here. SEEN is the visible
screen, UNSEEN is the "invisible" one. After switching them around one way
or another, all that needs to be done to set up for the next transition is
to swap the two variables around:
and hey presto - even though the two screens now have changed roles, SEEN
still points to the one you see and UNSEEN to the other! This saves you the
trouble of writing two sets of all the routines! :-)
[When two screens occupy the same coordinates on the display, only one of
them is visible (unless they are in dual playfield mode, which is not used
in this program, so just forget about it for now). When screens are Opened
or Unpacked, they are automatically placed "in front" of any other screens
that exist at the time. You can control which screen is "in front" with the
commands Screen To Front and Screen To Back (RTFM). The main loop of the
program prepares for each transition by unpacking a new screen {actually
it's the same two screens that get reused over and over, but for e.g. a
slide show (or perhaps it should be called a transition show now? :) you
would of course load and unpack new pictures all the time} and "Backing"
(to coin a phrase :) it, so this routine makes it visible by "Fronting"
That was simple. The easiest way of livening it up a bit is to use the
same technique used in the professional slide shows I mentioned some time
back: Fading. Fortunately Amos has a special command for this, and the sim-
plest way to use it is to fade to black:
Screen SEEN : Fade 5
The first command here sets screen number SEEN to be active, to make sure
that is the one that gets faded - there is no point in fading a screen you
can't see anyway! The second command, which is the simplest version ofthe
Fade command, then fades all the screen's colours to black with a delay of
5 between each step. [Amos measures delays and things like that in vertical
blanks, which to the layman is just a fancy term for how many times per
second the screen is redrawn. PAL machines use 50, NTSC machines 60.]
One thing that must be remembered when using Fade is that it is an inter-
rupt driven command. During the time it takes to finish, the program keeps
executing, so if the next command should be a cut to the unseen screen you
will not see the screen fade out because the program starts the fade, then
immediately pushes the other screen to the front.
There are two ways of handling this. The simplest way is to multiply the
delay by 15 and Waiting for that long. In this case that would be
Wait 75
Why 15? some beginners may ask. Because the number after Fade (5 in this
case) is the delay between each step in the fade, and a colour may take up
to 15 steps to fade into another.
A more elegant solution is to find out which colour has a component fur-
thest from the target, and wait for that colour to reach its target. In
this program I have been cheating a bit because I know that colour 1 is
white, which is FFF in hex. So the fade-to-black routine simply waits for
colour 1 to become pitch black:
Repeat : Until Colour(1)=0
Press B to see the visible screen fade to black and cut to the other pic-
Now that could have been done better, couldn't it? Why not fade the
second picture up from black? Sure, Fade can do that too with just one more
parameter and a bit of preparation. Press C to invoke this routine:
Screen 2 : Get Palette UNSEEN
For A=0 To Screen Colour-1 : Colour A,0 : Next
Gosub B : Rem Fade to black and cut
Screen SEEN : Fade 5 To 2
Repeat : Until Colour(1)=4095
Fading to black is simple, but to fade to anything else we need somewhere
to keep the target palette. In this program I use screen 2, which is a
small (hidden) dummy screen that was opened (and hidden away) in the setup
phase. The first this routine does is to activate screen 2 and copy the
unseen screen's palette to it. A word of caution before we proceed: When
using a screen to grab a different screen's palette this way it is import-
ant to TURN OFF THE FLASHING. [This was also done in the setup.]
Now that we have the target palette in a safe place, it is time to pre-
pare the new screen for the transition by setting all its colours to 0 or
black. Then I save a bit of typing and space by reusing the B routine which
not only fades the visible screen to black, but also swaps the two
variables SEEN and UNSEEN and sets a flag to indicate to the main loop that
a successsful transition was made (or in this case, is in progress). Then
the new screen is activated (Remember, A swapped the pointers, so the
Screen SEEN here does exactly the opposite of the same command in B! Con-
fused yet?) and faded back to its old palette with Fade 5 To 2, which is
the second version of the Fade command. The last line then waits for colour
1 to become white.
[A little side note: Fade also has a third syntax where you have to specify
each target colour manually, for example
Fade 25,$F00,$FFF,$F
would fade the first three colours of the active screen very slowly to red,
white and blue (which should awaken some patriotic feelings in most of the
intended audience :). It is not used in this program because it can be very
complicated to use (well, at least if you consider lots of typing compli-
cated). To fade in a 32-colour screen for example, you would have to first
store the target palette in several variables and then run a command like
this one:
Fade 5,C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,
(only it would have to be on one line!) Yes, you could use an array, but
that would only make the storing part simpler, you would still have to use
a very long command with 33 parameters - as a matter of fact it would be
even longer because of the brackets! Sure, it would be great if you could
e.g. "Fade 5,HUES()", but Francois didn't think of that - maybe some future
version of the language...]
Now fading to black is all very well, but a couple of alternatives would
be fine. Why not do exactly the opposite? Well, it can't be done with a
slide projector, but you may recall that I said some time back that any-
thing is possible on a computer. The next routine was originally developed
during the early work on CreAm's slide show Heaven in Hell (or was that the
other way round?) [found on Aminet - look for crm-hih in the demo/slide
directory]. Our leader, who had probably been watching too many TV2 station
breaks :-), wanted pictures to change "with a white flash", and I wrote
the routine you can see in action with a press of the D key.
Screen 2
For A=0 To 31 : Colour(A),4095 : Next
Screen SEEN : Fade 1 To 2
Repeat : Until Colour(0)=4095
Screen 2 : Get Palette UNSEEN
Screen UNSEEN : Get Palette SEEN
Gosub A : Fade 1 To 2
Repeat : Until Colour(0)=0
This is more or less the same as the C routine, only it starts with
setting screen 2 to all white (4095 is FFF in hex), then fades the visible
screen to that palette, waits for colour 0 to become white, and then shuf-
fles the palettes a bit. First the new screen palette (which is untouched
so far) is copied into screen 2 (using Get Palette which is like a one step
Fade To without the delay), then it is replaced with the one from the old
screen (which is now all white), and then the new screen is pushed to the
front and faded back to its original colours (stored in screen 2).
This routine is faster than the fade-to-black-and-back because our leader
had asked for a white flash, so I used the shortest delay available - 1.
But even that was not fast enough for him (it's really more of a flaaash),
so I wrote a more intricate routine that "fades" a screen to white and back
in just two steps. Press E (on the Amos screen, but I shouldn't have to
repeat that any more...)
This routine requires a little setup that is done before the main loop in
the demo program:
Dim FARGER(31,2,1) : Global FARGER(),LAYER
An array called FARGER (Norwegian for colours) is dimensioned to contain
the maximum number of colours for two screens times three (I'll explain in
a moment), then this and a pointer are made global because I'm going to use
them in two procedures. NOTE: This effect only works with screens 0 and 1,
if you insist on using it with other screens you must either change the
array's third dimension (1 here) to the highest screen number you want to
use or do some fancy manipulation of the LAYER pointer whenever it's used
to address the array.
To take things in logical order, the first routine (which is called twice
- once for each screen) simply fetches the colours from the indicated
screen and calculates new colours that are halfway between the original
colours and an entirely white palette. It goes like this:
Screen LAYER : For A=0 To Screen Colour-1
'Time for some arithmetics
R=RGB and $F00 : G=RGB and $F0 : B=RGB and F
Add R,$F00 : Add G,$F0 : Add B,$F
R=R/2 : G=G/2 : B=B/2
R=R and $F00 : G=G and $F0 : B=B and F
End Proc
What this loop does it first to store the original colours into the "bot-
tom" of the array (colour,0,layer), then it stores $FFF (pure white) in the
"top" (color,2,layer). The next five lines calculate the "average" or the
top and bottom colours by splitting the colour value into its three compo-
nents, averaging each with the corresponding component of white and adding
them together again.
Actually this part is brand new, the original program just averaged the
whole number with $FFF, which produced some strange results. The next
paragraph will try to explain the theory behind this, if you don't want to
get too involved just skip to the next paragraph.
A colour definition on the Amiga consists of three four-bit groups which
for no sane reason that I am aware of are called "nybbles". The high nybble
defines the red component, the middle the green and the low the blue. Which
means that for instance pure blue is $F or 15, while pure red is $F00 or
3840 (15 times 256). Because the three nybbles are treated as one number by
anything except for the colour commands, you get some weird results when
trying to calculate such things as the average of two colours. Take bright
red, for instance. The hex value is F00, so a bit of brainstorming should
lead to the conclusion that $700 would be a darker red. But just dividing
3840 by 2 would give 1920, which is $780 - and that's more green than red!
The problem is that 15 divided by 2 is really 7 and a half, and when
working with the high or middle nybble of a 12-bit number, that half be-
comes an 8 in the nybble below. This is why each nybble is ANDed with its
maximum value above to eliminate the fraction. [1920 AND 3040 is 1792,
which does produce a nice dark red.]
Okay, now we have defined the colours that have to be flicked through in
order to produce a short "flash", actually producing the effect should be
Procedure FAD[OPP]
If OPP Then _START=0 Else _START=2
For B=0 To Screen Colour-1 : Colour B,FARGER(B,A,Screen)
Next : Wait 3 : Wait Vbl
End Proc
The routine takes only one parameter, OPP (Norwegian for up), which
determines in which direction the loop will run. Set OPP to True, and it
changes the palette from original colours to all white, and vice versa.
[The variable names START, SLUTT and STEG are Norwegian for Start, End and
Step, all of which are reserved keywords in Amos. Actually this also shows
how you can use variable names that otherwise would have been parsed as
keywords by preceding them with an underscore. So why didn't I call them
_START, _END and _STEP? Good question,let's move on to something more
I have already mentioned that the Amiga can handle more than one screen
structure simultaneously. The new thing is that it does not just mean sto-
ring two or more screens and switching from one to the other in a jiffy.
You can even display two (or more!) screens at the same time [assuming they
don't cover the same area on the display screen] and display just a part of
a screen as well. The following transitions show a couple of variations of
this theme. Press F to see how this works:
Auto View Off
Screen Display UNSEEN,,,,0
Auto View On
Gosub A
For A=1 To Screen Height
Screen Display SEEN,,,,A : Wait Vbl
This routine first tells the graphic circuits to display 0 lines of the new
screen, meaning it won't be visible at all, then switches screen and starts
displaying the new screen one line at a time. This is also the second time
I use Wait Vbl, which I really should have explained one effect ago. I told
you earlier that a vertical blank is just a time unit equal to the time it
takes to redraw the screen. The truth is that THE vertical blank is the
brief period after a screen has been completely drawn (on the display) and
before it starts getting drawn again. [If you want to get real technical,
it's the time the electron beam which draws the picture takes to reset
itself back at the top of the screen after passing off the bottom.] Wait
Vbl simply waits for this period to make sure any changes to the screen get
drawn at least once before they are changed again - a bit like waiting for
your last chicken to hatch before starting to count them.
This can also be done the other way round. Press G to see this:
For A=Screen Height To 0 Step -1
Screen Display SEEN,,,,A : Wait Vbl
Gosub A
Which is not just "the other way round" because the transition goes from
bottom to top, but also because while the previous routine "unfolded" the
new screen after first "folding it up" completely and putting it up front,
this one "folds up" the old screen before pushing it to the back. Check
what the manual has to say about the new commands to find out more. (But
then you are doing that all the time, aren't you?)
But even this is only the beginning. After exposing a screen from the top
and the bottom you may wonder if it's possible to do it from the middle.
The answer is hidden under the H key and looks like this:
S0=Y Hard(0)
SH=Screen Height/2
Auto View Off
Screen Display UNSEEN,,SH,,0
Auto View On
Gosub A
For A=1 To SH : Screen Display SEEN,,S0+SH-A,,A*2 : Wait Vbl
If Screen Display is a new command to you, you may have wondered what all
those commas were good for. The answer is that the command controls not
just how much of a screen is displayed, but where on the screen it is
displayed as well. This routine changes both these things with a rather
unusual result. It starts with displaying zero lines of the new screen in
the middle of the old, then it pulls the top of the screen up at the same
time as pushing the bottom of the visible part of the screen down twice as
fast (to compensate for the whole screen moving up).
This routine is different from the previous in that the image of the new
screen moves across the display. If you don't like this but want a similar
effect where both screens appear stationary as the new one appears from the
middle of the old, try this variant (key I):
S0=Y Hard(0)
SH=Screen Height/2
Auto View Off
Screen Display UNSEEN,,SH,,0 : Screen Offset UNSEEN,,SH
Auto View On
Gosub A
For A=1 To SH
Screen Display SEEN,,S0+SH-A,,A*2
Screen Offset SEEN,,SH-A
Wait Vbl
Another player called Screen Offset has entered the field: The Amiga lets
you not only define where a screen is displayed and how much of it is
visible, but which part of it is visible as well!
[Something strange about these two routines: the second seems simpler in
action, but is actually slightly more complicated!]
This concludes the chapter on what I call screen swapping transitions. If
you have come this far in one session, I suggest taking a break and maybe
experimenting a bit with your own variants of the different effects. Fade
to red, for instance, or have the new screen roll up from the bottom, or...
If you come up with some particularly astonishing effects, you know where
to send them...
2) Replacement transitions
Once again, we'll start with something simple - an effect built into Amos
from the beginning.
Appear UNSEEN To SEEN,133 : OK=True
Because we are now starting on a new type of transitions that require the
two screens to have identical dimensions, each of the routines in this
chapter will start with a call to the subroutine SIMILAR, which checks if
the two screens are you-know-what and exits the program if they are not.
[NOTE: The subroutine does NOT check if the palettes are equal - which is
recommended - so be really careful if you decide to replace the graphics.]
The actual transition is done with the Appear command, which copies the
picture from the invisible screen to the visible one in a rather fancy way
that allegedly can be varied infinitely by changing the third parameter
(after the comma). Some numbers don't work at all, so read the manual
before starting to experiment with this. [Personally I prefer relatively
fast transitions that don't take more than ten seconds at most, and some
variants of the Appear effect take much longer. Some don't even finish at
Unless the old teacher who taught me the alphabet got it all wrong, the
key to press for this effect should be J.
Okay, back to the homemade routines, which all work by replacing the con-
tents of the old screen bit by bit some way or another. Press K for this
W2=SW1/2 : W1=W2-1
H2=SH1/2 : H1=H2-1
For A=1 To W2
Screen Copy UNSEEN,W1,H1,W2,H2 To SEEN,W1,H1 : Wait Vbl
Dec W1 : Dec H1 : Inc W2 : Inc H2
Next : OK=True
The variables SW1 and SH1 were set by SIMILAR and stand for the width and
height of the old screen, which at this point should be similar to those of
the new screen (SW2 and SH2). The routine simply starts in the middle of
the screen and copies a larger square for each loop until it reaches the
full width of the screen. [It simply assumes that the width is bigger than
the height - if you some times use screens that are higher than they are
wide you should do some extra checking here.]
You probably noticed something missing and something new in the two rou-
tines in this chapter. There is no call to subroutine A because two of the
things it does are not needed. Because these and the following routines
copy data from the new screen into the old there is no point in swapping
them around, and so there is no sense in rearranging the pointers (SEEN and
UNSEEN) either. The one thing A does that still needs to be done is to set
the flag OK to True (to indicate a successful transition), and so that is
done "manually" throughout this chapter.
There are lots of ways to replace graphic data; here is another (key L)
that the professionals call a "wipe":
For A=0 To SW1-1
Screen Copy UNSEEN,A,0,A+1,SH1 To SEEN,A,0 : Wait Vbl
Next : OK=True
This can easily be rewritten to wipe from the right to the left (just
modify the second line to make a descending loop), or you can get fancy and
wipe from both sides (key M):
For A=0 To SW1/2 : B=SW1-A
Screen Copy UNSEEN,A,0,A+1,SH1 To SEEN,A,0
Screen Copy UNSEEN,B,0,B+1,SH1 To SEEN,B,0 : Wait Vbl
Next : OK=True
If you want something even fancier, try this variant (key N):
For A=0 To SW1-4 Step 2 : B=SW1-A-3
Screen Copy UNSEEN,A,0,A+1,SH1 To SEEN,A,0
Screen Copy UNSEEN,B,0,B+1,SH1 To SEEN,B,0 : Wait Vbl
Next : OK=True
This can also be done vertically (key O):
For A=0 To SH1-4 Step 2 : B=SH1-A-3
Screen Copy UNSEEN,0,A,SW1,A+1 To SEEN,0,A
Screen Copy UNSEEN,0,B,SW1,B+1 To SEEN,0,B : Wait Vbl
Next : OK=True
[Warning: The last two routines need a bit more work if you use screens
with odd (1,3,5,7,9) widths or heights. Think about it...]
Of course ALL wipes (including ones you think up yourself) may be done
both horizontally and vertically, but I'll leave that as an exercise for
you and try something different instead. Like the "flashover" routine this
comes in two parts. The first part is set up before the main loop:
XER=Screen Width/16 : YER=Screen Height/16 : XYER=(XER*YER)-1
X=0 : Y=0 : For A=0 To XYER
X(A)=X : Y(A)=Y
Add X,1,0 To XER-1 : If X=0 : Inc Y : End If
For SHUFFLE=1 To 5
For A=0 To XYER
Until B<>A
Swap X(A),X(B) : Swap Y(A),Y(B)
Note: This is done after the initial screens unpack to get the right dimen-
sions (Screen Width and Screen Height). What this does is to divide the
screen into a grid of squares and store each square's relative coordinates
(the first square is 0,0, the second is 1,0 and so on) in an array, then
shuffle that array a couple of times. All is them ready for calling this
little routine at the press of the P key:
For A=0 To XYER
X1=X(A)*16 : Y1=Y(A)*16 : X2=X1+16 : Y2=Y1+16
Screen Copy UNSEEN,X1,Y1,X2,Y2 To SEEN,X1,Y1 : Wait Vbl
Next : OK=True
This goes through the coordinates in the order they ended up after the last
shuffling, translates them to "real" screen coordinates and then copies the
corresponding squares to the visible screen one at a time.
A little note about this and any other effect that works with squares
(such as the K effect above): Remember that if you use interlace OR hires
(but not both), squares become rectangles and vice versa, so half of the
16s must be replaced with either 8 or 32. You can also make the effect
faster or slower by changing the size of the squares. For an experiment,
try stopping the program and replacing all the 16s in the first line of the
setup and the second line of the routine with 32. Run the program, test the
routine and then replace the 32s with 8s or even 4s or 2s. Just remember
that the array grows four times bigger every time you halve the size of the
squares, so you may have to put a Set Buffer at the start to reserve more
space for variables. (You also need a lot of patience with size 2 squares!
Size 1 squares don't work with the pictures used here because there's a
limit to how big an array dimension can be, and 320*256 is way above that
limit.) [BTW, one way of speeding up the routine if you are using small
squares is to leave out the Wait Vbl. It still takes about 45 seconds
though. But I haven't tried compiling it yet...]
The square effect can also be varied in other ways. For a simple example,
try to delete (or just comment out) the shuffle loop, and the squares will
be drawn in the order they were first listed. Not very exciting, but by ar-
ranging the coordinates in different ways you can have the change zigzag
up, down,left, right, spiral in our out etc. etc. (This would probably have
to be done with coordinate data prepared manually and read in from Data
lines or a data file, though.)
That was actually my last effect, but as an extra bonus (?) I have added
yet another wipe effect that I thought up while working on this article.
Press Q to see it.
SEC1=SH1/3 : SEC2=SEC1*2
For A=0 To SW1-1 : B=SW1-A
Screen Copy UNSEEN,A,0,A+1,SEC1 To SEEN,A,0
Screen Copy UNSEEN,A,SEC2,A+1,SH1-1 To SEEN,A,SEC2
Next : OK=True
Of course it can be even more complicted, but this should be enough to
get you started with making more intricate effects on your own.
3) A final word
I mentioned Scala as an example of transition programs in the intro-
duction. While I was working on this article, Amiga Format released the
program on one of their cover disks. Assuming that "everybody" has it by
now, I came up with a little challenge: Try to duplicate ALL the Scala
effects in Amos! Some of them have already been done in this article, and
Norwegians have a saying that "Well started is half finished", so with a
bit of joint effort it shouldn't be that hard... [I'm talking about just
the picture transitions and not the ways text appears over pictures, but
who knows...?]
e . n . d . . o . f . . f . i . l . e